Are two abbreviations in a title too much? Maybe. Are we gonna keep them? Yes. Both terms are an integral part of the world we live in, but just in case you’ve missed them, here’s some more clarity. CSR stands for corporate social responsibility. These practices allow companies to benefit the environment, the economy or the society. Or simply said - to make a positive change. A business’s success is not only measured by how much money it makes or how well known the brand is. We live in times where the criteria for a good company includes its impact on the community it operates in, its employees and the natural world. CSR helps improve customers’ views on a company and can play a major role when it comes to a person choosing their new workplace. It can also help you stand out from the competition and even improve your brand’s worth. And further proves a small step can lead to a big change.

If you’ve been around for the past month, you already know that I&D stands for inclusion and diversity. And you might have noticed we do our best to help promote fairness when it comes to it. Inclusion and diversity are an integral part of CSR as they promote creating a welcoming atmosphere where people feel respected and valued. 

There are four main types of CSR efforts. We’re gonna take a look at each of them and how they can be beneficial when it comes to inclusion and diversity.

Environmental initiatives

As far as we know, we only have one planet. And we should do our best to keep it. Any action a company takes in order to reduce its footprint is good for both the company and society.

Charity work 

It’s hard to forget the look of true gratitude coming from a person you’ve helped. Charity is not only about giving great sums of money and posting it on social media to brag about, its importance lies in understanding how privileged we may be in comparison to others and making conscious efforts to help.

Ethical labour practices 

We’re all human. And this applies full force when it comes to labour. All employees should be treated fairly, no matter their background, race, ethnicity, sex or gender. Anonymity in recruitment has a long list of benefits, including removing hiring bias. Hiring a person because of their skills and qualifications ensures not only that you've selected the right fit for the job, but it also contributes to creating an atmosphere of acceptance and diversity. Your company can take this one step further by incorporating anti-discrimination policies and fostering open communication channels. The 7 pillars of inclusion are a great place to start. We mean, who doesn't love a workplace where everyone feels valued? 

Volunteer projects

Why not spread the love outside the office building or your home, if you’re working remotely? Getting involved in community initiatives and volunteer projects is not only helpful, but it’s a great way to meet new people and stand up for those who need it the most. Being an advocate for a change can be a strong inspiration for others and could kick-off the domino effect of a positive change. 

We’ve pretty much covered the theory, so why not put CSR practices in action? Embracing diversity holds the door open for new possibilities to enter and can help make people feel welcomed - after all, the employees are the heart and soul of an organisation.